Paasisavut application workshop
Aug 15th, 2024

The blank page can be frightening – let’s face it together.


The deadline to apply to be a finalist in Paasisavut is fast approaching (September 1). But no need to panic.


The workshop is taking place at the campus area in Nuuk, and if you are interested in applying, stop by on August 15th and let us help you almost finish your application in the spot.


We will put up camera equipment, help you record your video for the application, and get you started (or even finish) the short pitch about your research.


AND there will be cake and coffee!


Register here!


Where: Pikialaarfik, Kivioq 5 (the kitchen)
When: Thursday the 15th of August, 1. pm- 4. pm (UTC-1/West Greenlandic Time)


We are looking forward to seeing you.