Kort over sæsonens feltarbejde

I foråret arrangerede Arctic Hub en koordinationsworkshop for forskere fra det humanistiske- og samfundsvidenskabelige felt. Formålet var at skabe overblik over sæsonens feltarbejde. Her kan du se resultatet.


Af Nicoline Larsen & Jula Maegaard-Hoffmann


Feltsæsonen 2022 er gået i gang, og ovenpå flere års rejserestriktioner, bliver det en særdeles travl en af slagsen.


Derfor afholdte Arctic Hub i foråret en online workshop, hvor vi satte forskere fra de humanistiske- og samfundsvidenskabelige områder sammen. Her delte de oplysninger med hinanden om, hvilke forskningsaktviteter de har planlagt for felsæsonen 2022/2023. Tanken var at skabe et rum, hvor forskerne kunne få øje på eventuelle samarbejdsmuligheder og trække på hinandens erfaringer.


På den interaktive workshop udfyldte de i fællesskab et kort over Grønland, hvor de plottede deres respektive forskningsprojekter ind. Derudover oplyste de andre relevante ting, såsom hvis de manglede en oversætter eller forskningsasistent, var interesseret i gode råd om overnatningsmuligheder osv.


De oplysninger, vi opnåede på workshoppen, vil vi gerne dele med jer. Både jer forskere, som ikke deltog i workshoppen, der i første omgang kun angik grønlandske og danske forskningsinsitutioner.


Men vi vil også gerne invitere alle udenfor forskningsverden til at se nærmere på kortet. Her kan I få indblik i, hvad det er for nogle forskningsaktiviteter, der finder sted i jeres lokalområde. I kan også se, om der er nogle samarbejdsmuligheder for jer. Måske er du indehavere af et sted, hvor forskerne kan overnatte? Eller måske er du den oversætter, de leder efter?


Projekterne på dette kort giver ikke et fuldstændigt overblik over igangværende feltarbejde i Grønland. Du kan finde flere forskningsprojekter på ISAAFFIK, hvor du som forsker også altid har mulighed for at registrere dit forskningsprojekt.


Til november gentager vi succesen med at koordinere forskningsprojekter sammen. Du kan allerede nu tilmelde dig her.

Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq


26. april – 4. maj: Sanne Vammen Larsen og Karin Buhmann (SDU)
Research on socially just transitions in the Arctic with a view to normative aspects and the communicative aspects to ensure public participation of local communities to define their futures with understanding of the natural science and technical aspects and the societal and economic impacts and implication.



26–31 august: AAU, Lill Rasted Bjørst

FACE-IT scenario workshop: LIFE IN THE FJORD – today and in the future Friday August 26 (9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) Hotel Hans Egede, Nuuk + participation in Arctic Circle Greenland Forum


Hele året: Pinngortitaleriffik – Grønlands Naturinstitut, Tobias Vonnahme

Nuup Kangerlua weekly to monthly sampling, whole year


Slut august: DIIS, Ulrik Pram Gad

Preferably around the Arctic Circle Greenland Forum


Efterår: Nord University, Astri Dankertsen



April/maj/juni – Pinngortitaleriffik – Grønlands Naturinstitut, Kristine Lynge Petersen

Research about locals perceptions about Tourism in Nuuk. Qualitative interviews in Nuuk April-May 2022 PPGIS survey in Nuuk May-June 2022


26. april – 4. maj: SDU, Sanne Vammen Larsen og Karin Buhmann

Research on socially just transitions in the Arctic with a view to normative aspects and the communicative aspects to ensure public participation of local communities to define their futures with understanding of the natural science and technical aspects and the societal and economic impacts and implication.


2022-2023: KU, Miriam Cullen

Climate adaptation in Greenland through the lens of postcolonialism with the goal of ensuring that the human rights of Greenlandic people (such as right to self-determination, to enjoy one’s culture, to health, to housing) are being met to the same standard as in other parts of the Danish Realm in the context of the foreseeable consequences of climate change. We are now looking to get in touch with: Greenlandic people who might be interested to talk about this (locals, officials, business owners, academics), people who can provide interpretation services, as well as researchers who might be interested to share their own findings or are interested in this research.


24.-30. august: AAU, Carina Ren

FACE-IT scenarieworkshop: LIV I FJORDEN – i dag og i fremtiden Fredag, 26. August kl. 9-12.30, Hotel Hans Egede, Nuuk + deltagelse i Arctic Circle Greenland Forum.


Tidlig august: AAU, Henrik Halkjær, Laura James 

Project “Sustainable Arctic Cruise Communities”: https://www.nord.no/no/om-oss/fakulteter-og-avdelinger/handelshogskolen/forskning/forskningsprosjekt/Sider/Caring4Cruise.aspx Or find out more on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sustainable-Arctic-Cruise-Communities-118615586674580


April-juni, UiT: Martin Svingen Refseth

Visiting scholar at Ilisimatusarfik. Project: ”URBTRANS”. Read more at: https://prosjektbanken.forskningsradet.no/en/project/FORISS/300929?Kilde=FORISS&distribution=Ar&chart=bar&calcType=funding&Sprak=no&sortBy=date&sortOrder=desc&resultCount=30&offset=0&Prosjektleder=Torunn+Berge

Kujalleq Kommune


Hele året: Narsaq Research Station, Lise Autogena

Researchers in Narsaq, we would like to host you at Narsaq Research Station – we can help with local contacts, translation etc. Read more at: www.narsaqresearchstation.gl or write to: lise@narsaqresearchstation.gl



August-september: Lausanne University, Laine Chanteloup

I am part of a 4 years project that was funded by Switzerland on the impact of climate change on fjords ecosystem. We are a large interdisciplinary team and most of the team will go to Narsaq and Narsasuaq in July and august to do some measurement linked to DNA of fish, temperature, soilsetc… Me I a human geographer and I would like to develop some photo contest and interviews with narsaq community and Narsasuaq community to have a better understanding of the perception of the fjords and its changes. I will be in the region this summer in august but it will be a first visit in order to prepare more fieldwork during the following year.


Slut august: Ilisimatusarfik, Gestur Hovgaard

As part of the project “”Sustainable Value Chains in Nordic Coastal Communities”” (NorValue) we are on fieldtrip in Nanortalik, Qaqortooq and Narsaq in the period 3-14 of march, and we expect to be on a similar trip again in the latter part of August. Happy to hear from people working in Southern Greenland. Contact: gehov@uni.gl


Maj: Ilisimatusarfik, Vivi Vold


20.-24. august : AAU, Carina Ren, Anne Merrild & Simon Barndof

A THRIVING SOUTH – NATURE, COMMUNITY, BUSINESS Research conference on sustainable development of agriculture and tourism in South Greenland 24 AUGUST 2022, QAQORTOQ



Maj: AAU, Rikke Becker Jacobsen, Ecotip 

Research project will involve local knowledge in Nanortalik and Upernavik. As part of the project, three social science researchers will include the latest local knowledge from different regions in Greenland – more specifically South-Central and North-West Greenland. They will interview local fishermen and citizens to pick up on what changes have been observed locally over the last 10 years in the marine environment and biodiversity. They would also like to talk to local citizens about what changes in catching and fishing have meant to them and their city. Read more here: https://www.oceandecade.dk/news/nyhed?id=94e639d1-c1fe-410d-b64e-067628b66bd6

Rikke Becker Jacobsen and Sun Dyremose will visit Nanortalik May 5-12. Kristen Ounanian will visit Upernavik in July. All three social scientists come from Aalborg University, Center for Blue Governance.


The ECOTIP project (www.ecotip-arctic.eu) is funded by the EU and is a major collaboration between the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Aalborg University, DTU and various other international partners. The research in Greenland is coordinated with other ongoing climate research projects in Greenland through the Arctic Hub and the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources.

Qeqqata Municipality


August: CBS, Liz Cooper

Project: Towards a Sustainable Cruise Tourism Industry: Organisational Communication, Tourist Behaviour and Community Well-being in the Ports of Greenland.

Avannaata Kommune


April – maj, Ilona Mettiäinen

Greenland ice sheet conservation as a community designed response to climate change. Read more: https://www.arcticcentre.org/EN/grisco



Maj-juni: Pinngortitaleriffik, Caroline Buchard


18. april – 2. maj: Parnuna Egede Dahl

Feel free to connect with Parnuna Egede Dahl (parnuna@sammivikconsult.dk) with research related to Uummannaq.


27. juni – 9. juli, AAU, Kristen Ounanian, Ecotip 

Research project will involve local knowledge in Nanortalik and Upernavik. As part of the project, three social science researchers will include the latest local knowledge from different regions in Greenland – more specifically South-Central and North-West Greenland. They will interview local fishermen and citizens to pick up on what changes have been observed locally over the last 10 years in the marine environment and biodiversity.


They would also like to talk to local citizens about what changes in catching and fishing have meant to them and their city. Read more here: https://www.oceandecade.dk/news/nyhed?id=94e639d1-c1fe-410d-b64e-067628b66bd6. Feel free to write me, Kristen Ounanian (kristen@plan.aau.dk). I will be the one traveling and interviewing for EcoTip.



September: AAU, Mette Abildgaard

Fieldwork and one-on-one interviews w. locals in Qaanaaq (all ages) + interview military personnel. I plan to visit Qaanaaq and Thule Air base in September 2022 (dates not fixed yet). Fieldwork and one-on-one interviews w. locals in Qaanaaq (all ages) about their practices using communication technologies (phones, computers, etc) to understand the impact of the impending switch to flat-rate internet. In addition, I plan to interview military personnel at the base about their practices using communication technologies to understand the significance of these technologies in everyday life at the base. Contact Mette Abildgaard.



Andre aktiviteter

Piotr Damski
Master thesis: “Labor market in adventure tourism in Greenland”. Contact: pmd1@hi.is

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